Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Figs.... / Смокви.....

Got some figs at the market and while the idea of eating them all as they are, while staring at the TV looked good to me, seeing as we have this blog thing, I thought I better cook something up.

We made 2 things. Both were delicious and utterly yummy and if you have figs near you, you should definitely try these recipes.

Fresh figs with goat cheese

Cut the figs in quarters, dab a small piece of goat cheese on them & wrap in prosciutto. We did our figs in halves, and that was too big for our mouths. You could use any type of salty, strong flavoured cheese, not just goat cheese.

Figs, caramelized onions and blue cheese tarts

no specific amounts, this recipe is very flexible

few puff pastry sheets, I used 3, to make 2 larges ones
3-4 figs
2 medium onions
a pinch of sugar
a splash of balsamic vinegar
blue cheese

Defrost frozen puff pastry sheets, and place on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper. Cut onions in half, then slice thinly in half moons. Fry the onions in couple of tablespoons of olive oil, for about 25 - 30 minutes, on medium heat, but be careful not to burn them. The onions should get golden brown. Add a splash of balsamic vinegar and a pinch of sugar and salt in the last 5 minutes of frying. Arrange the caramelized onions on the puff pastry. Cover with sliced figs, and crumble blue cheese on top.

Bake in a pre-heated oven (200 C) for about 30 minutes, until the cheese has melted and the puff pastry has risen and browned. Delicious when served warm.

Blue cheese can be substituted with any salty, strong flavoured cheese. You want something with a punch... goat cheese, smoked cheese, even parmesan would do.

Смокви со козјо сирење

Исечете ги свежите смокви на четвртина, ставете мало парче козјо сирење на нив и завиткајте ги со парче пршута. Ние ги исековме нашите на половина, и парчињата беа преголеми.

Лиснати теста со смокви, карамелизиран кромид и плаво сирење
замрзнати лиснати теста
2 средни главици кромид
малку балсамик оцет
малку шеќер
плаво сирење
Одмрзнете ги лиснатите теста, и ставете ги на тавче покриено со хартија за печење. Јас користев 3 замрзнати лиснати теста, од кои едно исеков на половина и го искористив да ги зголемам двете останати. Исечете го кромидот на половина и потоа на тенки полукружни парчиња. Испржете го кромидот, полека, околу 25 - 30 минути на средна температура, со 2 лажици маслиново масло. Кромидот треба да добие светло кафена боја. Пазете да не изгори. Пред последните 5 минути додајте една ронка шеќер и многу малку балсамик оцет и сол. Распоредете го кромидот врз лиснатото. Врз тоа наредете ги исечените смокви, и на крај изронете плаво сирење. Печете ги лиснатите теста на температура од 200 степени, околу 30 мин., додека не заруменат и пораснат. Јадете ги топли.
Плавото сирење може да го замените со козјо сирење, или било кое друго солено сирење со јак вкус, па дури и пармезан.



Unknown said...

Slikite izgledaat super! Way to go!
(za vkusot kje komentiram ko kje probam)

bojana said...

wow, nekoj vekje iskomentrial pred mene :-)
stvaro dobri sliki, a jadenjata zvuchat interesno.

Unknown said...

FIGS!!! They look amazing - I don't think I've ever eaten a fig and definitely want to after seeing this post! I have had goat cheese though and goat cheese or blue cheese on anything = awesome. This looks like it requires moderate skill though so as I beginner, I'll put this one aside in the intermediate level archives and wait for something more in my skill range. Thanks for the great pics and inspiration and description! Any food with a "PUNCH" makes me want to put that Albert Heijn bonus card to work.